very interesting

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Thanks. Phiddle is quite an interesting island.

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Very creative, I liked it.

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Thank you, Pennie. If you ever visit Phiddle, don't miss it.

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Delightful, Mark. Your names for characters are a hoot. The one way cave concept is creative genius.

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Thank you, K.C. I am quite fond of Phiddle.

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"The unusual device had many dials and pipes and gauges and a large padded chair. I couldn’t resist. I took a seat." Well, shoot! Who wouldn't?!

This mystery has me totally be-phiddled, but I have to say, I think Mark Starlin and Terry Freedman should write a jazz piece for saxophone and guitar titled Phiddleberry Jam.

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I know, right?

Phiddleberry Jam is a great name for a jazz song! Why didn’t I think of that?

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Visitor: "You have a mystery on this island that defies natural explanation!"

Resident: "Yes, we do!... Um, specifically, you meant...?"

Visitor: "The One Way Cave!"

Resident: "Oh yeah, that one, that's a good one, that is. Yup." Goes back to what they were doing.

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Exactly. Or “You should check out the tree with no top.”

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I would bet Fiddlesticks (er, Phiddlesticks) is also a cherished surname there.

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and no doubt a scoffing expression you hear often there is Phiddle-dee-dee!

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It is true. Where do you think it came from?

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Well, maybe phrom the philm? ( Gone With the Wind 1939? )

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It is phairly common. 😉

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