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Thanks, Rebecca. 🤓

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Since the last two involve food, I liked them the best. They all grave me a chuckle, however.

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Food seems to be a common theme in my writing. Hmm. I probably shouldn't write when I'm hungry.

Thanks, K.C.

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Mark, your replies to comments are often as witty or wittier than the post.

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That is what I hope. The interaction is my favorite part. 🤓

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As I pull another batch of cookies out of the oven.....

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I will be right over.

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Fortunately, it appears archery is forbidden at Target locations themselves. At least I never see them when I have visited them.

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A wise company policy, I presume. 🤓

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Was it before or after 😜👍

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I am sure that information is behind an NDA. 😉

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All of these were really funny, but I especially liked the one about the bananas and monkeys. Thanks for a Monday morning laugh

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Thanks, Zoe. Space is a place full of wonders. And bananas, apparently.

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Good on ye, Mark, for supplementing your archery story with cultural/commercial background info for your readers outside the States. 👏

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I figured the Brits would be scratching their heads on that one, so I added the info. 🤓 Target does have stores in Australia, Canada, and Mexico (among other countries), but Europe is too expensive for big box stores.

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Their foray into Canada was a giant flop even with basically taking over the former Zellers spaces 🤷🇨🇦

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I read that. I am not a big fan either.

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Dear Sir:

Please send contact information for the International Center for Donut Studies.

Yours truly

Sharron at 🌿Leaves

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is your best bet.

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How does one apply for the donut scholarship? 😯

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They are very old school. You have to visit their campus, find Dean Baker (bring coffee), and plead your case. It is not easy. I had to apply a dozen times before I got in.

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Hmmm, thought it would have taken a bakers dozen - you got off easy or he miscounted your attempts.

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That's what I thought also, but he said it was too cliché. I didn't argue.

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Jan 6
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🤣 Continuing your education is a fine goal.

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