Oct 2, 2022Liked by Mark Starlin

Why Don’t They? - Because people would go bankrupt from buying replacement sunglasses because they keep eating the tasty donuts.

Train Station Attendant - Some people are just little balls of sunshine. It’s nice when they are around.

Dear Mr. Tumblebelly - This is so silly, it’s great! Poor Van Helsing puppy.

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Nice to have a donut story again. Fall on a stapler--hilarious! Good reads all. Thanks, Mark.

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Oh the jams! My breakfast of pj and jelly toast just got a whole lot more interesting!!

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I had fun reading this.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Mark Starlin

Your "Dear Mr. Tumblebelly" piece got a LOL from me, so I was reading parts of it to Deb after she gave me a "Hmmm?" (We do this all the time.)

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Well...now I'm hungry! Donuts or toast and jam?

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