If a bird steals your food, just let it go. If you get the wrong answer on Family Feud, just let it go.

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Excellent! The extended version!

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Mark, you come up with the darnedest examples for letting go! Great little ditty. Do record it with an accompanying video featuring an animated version of your doodles, which are hilarious.

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Thanks, K.C. Maybe when I retire. 🤓

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Absolutely SMASHING post! Love, love, love it!

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Thank you, Rebecca. That makes my heart happy. 🤓

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Aug 24Liked by Mark Starlin

That is undoubtedly the best song you ever wrote. Such good advice. So many things could be added .. When your hair starts falling out, let it go. When your chin begins to sag, let it go. If you find kale disgusting, let it go..... I'm going to be thinking about this all damn day. Nice job, Mark

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Sharron, you're adorable! 😆

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Letting go is a good thing sometimes. There could be endless verses!

Thanks, Sharron. 🤓

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Love it, Mark. I was thinking the same thing as Jack—it would make a neat music video or animation!

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I need to look into that. Thanks, Justin. 🤓

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Great advice, Mark! Lovely poem and doodles!

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Thanks, Kim. 🤓

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“Just let it go!”

Revel in the freedom of letting go!

And then… write a song or story about it. :)

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Sometimes you just have to…

Thanks, 3. 🤓

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Aug 24Liked by Mark Starlin

Love the song.

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Thanks, Lana. 😀

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Aug 24Liked by Mark Starlin

Would be a great music video with the doodles!

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Good idea. If I knew how to do animation it would be even cooler. 🤓

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AI can probably do it for you, or you can visit a medium and contact Walt Disney.

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I am trying to avoid AI. It has no soul. I would accept offers from Disney, though. 🤣

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