Three-Line Conversations
Rabbits. Just trying to make sense of things. As we all are these days, Mark. Right?
You know it.
Safer than flying!
And faster! 🤓
"Wait a minute- it wasn't "Abracadabra". It was that Muppet magician Mumford from "Sesame Street"- he said "A la peanut butter sandwiches!".
Buzzzzz. Sorry, that answer is incorrect. This story takes place pre-muppet, in 1922.
But now I want a PB&J.
Make that grape jelly on Wonder Bread.
My preference is raspberry preserves.
Oh! The beauty of connection with another who has traveled a similar path.
Indeed. Thanks, 3. 🤓
Ahhh! That's where they go!
Yup. It is a magical place. 😉
Rabbits. Just trying to make sense of things. As we all are these days, Mark. Right?
You know it.
Safer than flying!
And faster! 🤓
"Wait a minute- it wasn't "Abracadabra". It was that Muppet magician Mumford from "Sesame Street"- he said "A la peanut butter sandwiches!".
Buzzzzz. Sorry, that answer is incorrect. This story takes place pre-muppet, in 1922.
But now I want a PB&J.
Make that grape jelly on Wonder Bread.
My preference is raspberry preserves.
Oh! The beauty of connection with another who has traveled a similar path.
Indeed. Thanks, 3. 🤓
Ahhh! That's where they go!
Yup. It is a magical place. 😉