May 21Liked by Mark Starlin

Hey Mark, I like the change up. Having that pile of One Mnute Wit on hand helps if you can poke around the pile and pick out ones for the next few months of Mondays. The ones on third thought can go to the rewrite or shred pile 😜. Being mainly retired now - schedules, who needs them; weather, inspiration, basic seasonal things - that's enough for me.

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Yes! I am trying to limit commitments and obligations and ease into retirement so I can write and make music more often.

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I’m all for this. The ‘set structure’ can create a quantity over quality thing as well as the ‘creative obligation’ that potentially hampers us, making it hard to discern ‘best work’. I like to keep my ‘Just Write, Right’ random - publish when there’s something to share (I often publish things to the publication but don’t mail them so there’s a wee stack of ‘discoverables’). Elsewhere, we have a 7 year old newsletter that has been religiously sent out every Sunday, weekly, for all that time. I’ve just announced that it’s going monthly to manage my capacity and to keep the quality high. Smart move, Mark. And nicely communicated. Barrie

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Thanks, Barrie. I once fell into the trap that more is better with my newsletter, but now I think better is more. Honestly, I just want to return to writing being fun instead of an obligation.

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‘Better is more’. Yes, nicely captured! Bon courage, as they seem to say around these parts 🇫🇷

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I’m here for it, Mark! Sometimes you have to switch it up…nothing wrong with that at all. Have fun, my friend!

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Thanks, Justin. Life is constant change. And I love variety so change is good for me. I appreciate your support over the years. 🤓

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This all makes sense to me, Mark. I admire your courage in making this change. I'll be here.

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Thanks, K.C. The best things in life require risk. This is small one, but necessary, I think. 🤓

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May 19Liked by Mark Starlin

sounds like an awesome idea. I always enjoy your posts whenever they arrive

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Thanks, Mom.

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May 19Liked by Mark Starlin

You aren't the first one (not even the first on Substack) [not even the first on Substack to whom I subscribe!] who has decided the routine had gotten old. And if you change your mind again, change your routine again! Life is too short not to live it up a little!

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May 20·edited May 20Author

Thanks, Jack. I agree. I think it is good to try new things instead of just coasting.

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May 19Liked by Mark Starlin

Wise choices. I’ll keep up.

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Thanks. C.L. It good to have you in the crew. 🤓

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May 19Liked by Mark Starlin

Whatever the plan, it sounds good to me. I am a loyal fan. No strait-jackets allowed. Freedom rules!

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Thanks, Sharron. I appreciate you reading and commenting on a regular basis, and being a great Substack friend. 🤓

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May 19Liked by Mark Starlin

You need inspiration, like breathing. But kind of often. That's all I got.

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Thanks, Ron. Inspiration is helpful for the artist/creative. It keeps your mind off the perspiration. 🤓

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Mark Starlin

I admire your sticking to a schedule, but I also understand you wanting to publish in a more freeform manner. I'm okay with either approach.

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Thanks, David. I will likely end up publishing more. For better or worse. 🤣

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