Very very clever. You cracked me up five times here, Mark:

"it’s not as cool as going to the future, but you take what you can get." ( It is what it is.)

"he escapes the factory—in plain sight—disguised as an automobile." ( Smart!)

"I decided this was probably a bad thing". ( You think?)

"I’m morally and legally off the hook, except for the breaking and entering and destroying property part." ( Oh, that!)

"I didn’t do it for accolades. I did it for donuts. ( Who wouldn't...?)

FYI: I subscribe to two stacks that are already having robots do their voice overs. Urrrgggh. I delete them. Somehow it seems like a lack of integrity, but what do I know?

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Robots making our lives easier is just making us lazy. Unless they are bringing us donuts. That is a valuable service.

Thanks, Sharron. 🤓

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contact information for Ro-bo-do-nut , please.

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They will arrive in 2031.

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I'll be dead by then... rats!

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Nah. But if you had a donut robot, it would definitely shorten your lifespan. 😉

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You have reached a new level of imaginative hilarity, Mark. This has to be one of your best efforts. I laughed all the way through. Comedic gold.

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Thank you, K.C. That Carlton is a wacky one. 🤓

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The wacky one is either Carlton or Starlin. And I am thinking it is not Carlton.

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Categorically awesome!

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Thanks, Richard. More category silliness to come.

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Or did a bug in Terminator Robot cause it to become the doomsday assembly robot it was meant to terminate?

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Those computer bug will get you. Which is why Carlton also wrote code to terminate software bugs. 😉🤖

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Terminator Robot: "I'll be back."

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With donuts. 🤣

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Austrian ones, no doubt...

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Ya! They are going to pump you up!

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