Jun 7Liked by Mark Starlin

I love seeing our history through the eyes of Pirate-Captain Peanut Butter. I knew those revolutionaries were young-- ( I believe Hamilton was only about 34 when he was secretary of the treasury) but had no idea Lafayette was only 19! We need more committed 19 year olds today! If we could just drag them away from their video games...

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Author

Thank you, Sharron. I researched it and several members of the Continental Congress were only in their 20s and a couple were teens. Of course, life expectency was only about 38 at the time due to high infant mortality so you grew up faster, I imagine.

Lafayette was engaged at 14 (arranged) but the mother of the bride (age 12) thought them too young so they waited two years. If I remember correctly, they had two children when he left for America.

Different times, for sure.


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Love it. Have you seen the new Franklin series starring Michael Douglas. I think it's very well done, starting from the fact that big chunks of dialogue are in French.

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I watched the first two episodes tonight. Very good. Thanks for the nudge. 🤓

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Author

Thank you. I have the series save in my watchlist, but I haven't watched it yet. I really should since I am writing about him. 🤣 I will start it tonight.

I am sure my "Franklin" is different than theirs or the historical one. But that is the way I do it in these books. I give historical characters the personalities I want them to have. 🤓

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