Ah, old age... always learning no matter what!

Love the serial, and am glad you're keeping us engaged. Part 4 to come!

For some reason, while reading it, I find myself thinking: "Willllsonnnn!!!" 😂

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Thanks, Jenise. No soccer balls in this story. 😉🤓

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Still enjoying the journey on the island with Amelia. Looking forward to part 4.

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Thanks, Pennie. Care for a papaya? 🤣

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Mark Starlin

Amazing Scientific Facts - That’s because the Earth loves you too much to let you fall.

Strangeness - There’s a cat near the tree!

Long Live The Storytellers - The world is better off thanks to storytellers. Also, you teach guitar for a living? That’s really cool!

Stranded On A Deserted Island • Part 3 - All this “future talk” makes me realize how insane our technology is. It’s really easy to take for granted how much we can do on computers and phones nowadays.

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It’s nice to know the Earth cares. 😀

I worked for airlines for 27 years and then started teaching guitar. I have been teaching for about 16 years.

Yes, it has changed a lot since the 8-track days. 🤣

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Absolutely loved the Storyteller story, Mark! Young as I am the David Cassidy joke was as lost on me as it was on Amelia 😂😂 until I googled him, that is.

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Thank you Claire. I imagine the David Cassidy joke is lost on anyone under 50. 🤣

I am old. 🤓

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Mark Starlin

loved the scientific fact and can't wait to hear what happens to you and Amelia next

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Thanks. Stay tuned. 🤓

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1. I just cannot imagine how the desert island piece will end, but I do know that it will reveal a lot about Mark Starlin. Looking forward to that.

2.) "I am fortunate that I can write for the pure joy of creativity and the pleasure of a small audience that enjoys what I write." Amen to that. I went commercial with my music for a few years, and I learned that when your "art" becomes a profession a lot of the simple joy walks out the door.

3.) Regarding your line "Wisdom comes with age." I personally have a lot of age, and can still be incredibly stupid. However, now I recognize it. I couldn't when I was young. Just saying.

4.) Loved the photo of the Isle of Skye. Thanks

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1. Perhaps. Perhaps not. 🤣

2. I have been there. Anytime you try to earn a living from your creative passion, it can easily turn creativity into a job. And the joy is soon gone. I turned playing guitar into my job (teaching guitar.) So now I have to be sure to make music for the joy if it.

3. I think that is the "wisdom." When you realize you are wrong.

Thanks, Sharron. 🤓

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Long live the storytellers!

Mark, I’m really enjoying your serial story. I think it’s a great addition to the newsletter, and fits what you’re doing perfectly. Receiving it in small bits makes it easily digestible, and your “refreshers” bring me right back into the story. Excellent stuff! I look forward to more!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Author

Thanks, Justin. I did a couple of stories in parts earlier, but I made them separate newsletters. Now I think adding them to Monday Morning Mark may be a better way to go.

I wrote this story as a serial, and I think that is the key. Chopping a long story into parts doesn't work as well, in my opinion. I think it is better to write a story in parts if you plan to serialize it. With natural stopping points. I think the "refreshers" help and are fun, and I will likely do that in the future for any serials I post. 🤓

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Long live story tellers!

Especially you and me, Mark.

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Hear! Hear!

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"Ahhh," she said, rubbing her hands together in glee. "Secret vaults are my forte! But I am very busy, so hurry!"

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I doubt the reward would be worth the effort. 🤣

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Wouldn’t that be something! If someone from the past were to show up with me on a deserted island, I would’ve liked to meet Mark Twain.

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That would be fun and interesting. I don't know how much help he would be, but he would certainly keep you entertained. 🤣

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I always wonder about how cool it would be to see todays world through the eyes of someone from the past! Do you think someone from Ancient Rome would see a rollercoaster and think it was some sort of flying beast? I wonder...

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Exactly! What is normal to us would seem like magic to a first century Roman. Imagine if you went to 3022. What wonders you would see.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Mark Starlin

your grandparents would even be amazed at what is common place now

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No doubt.

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I admire your optimism, Mark.

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Thanks, Sharon. I know a Dystopian future is a popular view, but I prefer to live in hope.

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That's the spirit! We humans learn to adapt just like any other wild beast!

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Wisdom does come with age 😂

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I am still waiting. 🤣

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me too

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I am hooked on the island story. I have some thoughts on where this is going, but I will wait to see if I am correct.

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Thanks, Scott. I am glad. Let me know if you were right about the story. 🤓

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Mark Starlin

And where can one get their hands on The Starlin Book Of Amazing Scientific Facts You Might Not Know? Cause there are lots of things I don't know!

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Unfortunately, there is only one copy, hidden in a secret vault. But I will share more. 🤓

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Got halfway round the block, shouting at the top of my voice, ‘long live the storytellers!’ when the police car screeched to a halt. Sorry, Mark, I had to give them your name as my inspiration. [just between us, this is really a story]

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🤣 It’s an occupational hazard. I can give you the number of a good bail bondsman.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Mark Starlin

Amazing Facts: love the photo, glad you found an appropriate, um, fact to go with it.

Strangeness: Yup!

Storytellers: Awwww! 💚💚💚

Island Pt 3: Is there bamboo growing? Because you can do anything with bamboo. Build a hut. Build an exercise bike. Build an entertainment system. Can’t fix a boat, alas, but it’s bamboo, not magic. (source: Gilligan’s Island)

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023Author

🤣 I definitely would have built a bowling alley if there was bamboo. 😉

Thanks Jack.

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