May 25Liked by Mark Starlin

yes, go outside and play, go for a walk, or sit in the shade (hee hee)

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Sittin' In The Shade. Good idea. 😉

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I never got the hang of doodling. I always got hung up on the details so all my drawings too lots of time.

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I was never skilled enough to do anything but doodle, so that's what I did. 🤓

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Couldn’t agree more and this is coming from a hardcore introvert. Everything (especially in the summer months) is better outside. Go out, have fun, get sweaty! You can always cool off when you need to but go outside!

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So true. Even a short walk outside is good for the body and soul. Thanks, Thomas.

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I was more of a word scribbler, I could spend hours on it and it was the same as playing around

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Nice. My brother could spend all day reading. I had too much energy for that. So I spent a lot of time outside. Until I got a guitar at 12. Then I could sit for hours playing it.

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Isnt playing a guitar a kind of writing notes of music that drift through the air?

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You could think of it that way. I think the reason I love writing fiction and songwriting so much is you are organizing words or sounds into something that can entertain and touch people's hearts. And you can't fully explain how you do either. There is an element of magic, or inspiration, or imagination, or whatever you want to call it, involved.

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May 24Liked by Mark Starlin

Wise advice if you ask me, Mark Outdoors: a concept whose time has come. Now that I think about it, the three words I most said to my rambunctious son all through his childhood were " TAKE. IT. OUTSIDE!". Thanks for reminding me.

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May 24·edited May 24Author

Yes. “Go outside and play” was parent for “You are driving me crazy. I need some quiet. I need a break. Go outside and burn off that energy.” 🤣

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This is one of the best reasons for having a dog! A walk is not goofing off, it is a responsibility. 🦮woof!

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Dogs instinctively know going outside is good. And walks are good with or without a dog. 🤓

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Yes. Sometimes even better without the dog. 😂

I just read Jay Armstrong’s Write On Fight On blog. Leash fumbled, Maggie May chases a cat!

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There is also less poop involved without a dog. 😉

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