Sep 10Liked by Mark Starlin

All of my uncle's cats were named "Cat"

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

Very approriate, but confusing if he had more than one at a time. I call our cat "cat" frequently. Like "Give me a break, cat!" when he bugs me to be petted constantly. 🤣

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Sep 9Liked by Mark Starlin

i forgot to say my son named his Cat fido and golden retriever Kitty 😳😳what? lol

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Nice. I knew a guy who named his dog “cat.”

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Sep 9Liked by Mark Starlin

i like catch names like my Collie Beau Beau Cyphues

my poodle Luna -tic

my pug Tubby for obvious reasons and charlie(brown)

i do like yours!

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I like Luna-tic. 🤓

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We named our two black cats Fidelma and Enya in part from the mystery novels we were reading, but Enya soon became Enja because she displayed Ninja level skills.

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Naming them after book characters is a good way to pick names. Go ninja cat! 🐈

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If you need decent Dalmatian names besides the obvious "Spot" and "Dot", I know some...

An animated show I used to watch had a canine character named Sir Yips-A-Lot; eventually, a female counterpart, Princess Yaps-A-Lot, came along, too.

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V.C. had the brilliant idea of just numbering them and calling them by number. But I do like Sir Yips-A-Lot. Sir Yips-A-Little. Sir Poops-A-Lot. Sir Naps-A-Lot...

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The easiest (but not the most creative) solution is to just make the Dalmatians’ name their number.

“Seven, don’t chew the couch! Don’t pee on the rug, Eighty-four!”

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Brilliant! Great idea, V.C.

Or I could count their spots and go with that number. 🤣

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Starlin

So silly! I love the permission, the freedom you give yourself in your writing, Mark. Sometimes you remind me of my totally goofy 12-year-old self! ( Hmmm. I wonder if my 12-year-old self is still in there...?)

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She is!

Thanks, Sharron. You get me. Posting silly stories and poems might not be a good career move, but I am too old to be chasing a writing career (God bless those who are!), so I might as well have fun. Embrace the silly!

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Starlin

There you go, Mark — write for the fun. Or to get something down and out of your head. Or let some characters play around while you capture what they’re up to. And if someone else enjoys it, big bonus! 💚

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Exactly. It is knowing that someone else enjoys my writing and the fun of interacting with them that keeps me doing it. And, of course, the joy of creation.

Plus, I get attached to some of my characters and want to keep them around. 🤓

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Starlin

Aww, this was so cute, Mark!!

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Thanks, Kim. 🐶🐱🐔

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This made me smile.

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Thanks, Bill. Now get out there and name all those stray Japanese cats!

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🤭 Those names!!!

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Let's bring back meaningful names. 🤣

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