With the Captain back on board, we left quickly. Once underway, I asked the Captain where we were heading.
“Spain,” he replied.
“Will you drop me off in Spain?”
“That was my original intent and our agreement. I will honor it if you like. But I feel it would be best for you to stay with The Jellyfish until the issue of your attempted murder is resolved.”
“With gratitude, I will heed your advice,” I said.
“Good. The crew will be pleased to know they can continue enjoying Andelbert’s bread for a time. Now, I must go attend to some duties.”
The Captain headed to his cabin, and I headed for the galley to help Andelbert bake bread.
Andelbert and I finished baking the bread as the crew arrived for the evening meal. First Officer Barrelhoop walked in, saw me, and asked me a question.
“What are your plans once we reach Spain, pirate?”
Barrelhoop had taken to calling me “pirate.” I was not sure if it was mocking or affection. I hoped it was the latter.
“My only plan for the foreseeable future is to stay with The Jellyfish,” I replied.
“Then you’ll both be accompanying the crew and me. And you’ll be wearing sailor clothes.”
“To what purpose?” I asked.
“To sample the local spirits, of course. And spend some of that travelin’ coin you ain’t had a chance to spend yet.”
I thought for a moment before replying.
“It appears settled then,” I said.
The whole crew broke out into hoots and laughter.