A Thoughtful Person
My goal
I am trying to be more thoughtful.
I think about being thoughtful a lot.
Does that count?
Baby Names
If your last name is Balletpants,
it doesn’t really matter what first name you give your son.
And Now A Word From Our Sponsor
Jude, The Animal Expert Dude
If you burp loud enough, you can stun charging beasts long enough to escape their rampage.
This is why it is essential to carry Pepsi with you on safari.
— Jude, The Animal Expert Dude
Note: The Pepsi Corporation does not endorse Jude, The Animal Expert Dude. Or my silliness. Although I am open to it.
Just Imagine
Three Line Conversations
“What do you think?”
“Well, I think the hammock is very romantic.”
“And once the flooding subsides, I will build us a house right next to it.”
Nice People
Human Behavior Tip
If you ever meet a nice person,
don’t punch them in the eye socket.
People don’t like that.
Happy Monday. Thanks for reading and responding. You make it fun.
I find your one-minute wit series just delightful, Mark Starlin. Speaking as an old woman with scarcely one wit left, they just suit me. As for the Balletpants family, I hope they pull out all the stops and name him Spandex.
I think, therefore, I am... thoughtful. I think.