It was one of those rare, warm December days that pop up now and then. The weather was too nice to be cooped up in an office building, so Bill and Tony decided to go out for lunch.
They were walking along the path that ran by the river, enjoying the sunshine, when a man, walking far too fast, slammed his shoulder into Tony. The bump almost knocked Tony down.
“Watch what you’re doing, moron,” Tony said.
His eyes started glowing, and he was just about to shoot lasers at the guy who bumped him.
Bill threw up a sheet of ice in front of Tony and said. “Take it easy.”
“You saw him. He slammed into me.”
“Yeah, he did. Don’t you recognize him?”
“That’s Nuclear Nathan. He got his superpowers by ingesting plutonium. The last thing you want is him having a meltdown.”
Happy Monday. Thanks for reading and responding. You make it fun.
We’re never sure who we’re bumping into!
Keeps life interesting!
Man! And isn't this day ripe for a melt down!? Deep breaths, folks. Deep calming breaths... in -two- three-out-two-three...